Saturday, July 26, 2014

What lets you come unstuck?

So I didn’t write for a couple of weeks. Considering that this blog will soon end. (It was supposed to be a year-long experiment after all), I thought I would get a feel of what it would be like to not blog anymore. Ok…total bullsh**. I simply found a small excuse and ran with it.

I suppose there are times in our life, when we are more prone to closing up, withdrawing, stalling, of not letting go…
Writing (for me), requires me to open up, to face reality, to come unstuck… I write to vent, I write to question, I write what pokes at my insides… And whether or not I post all what I write, it allows me to come unstuck for I say what I want, how I want, with truth, without frills (and perhaps without any particular eloquence or grammar).

As with most things, when we need to do them the most, we do them the least. Diet, exercise…you know the drill. You’ve been there too. It is interesting how we are more able to stay on track, do all the right things when we are on the upswing, when we’re feeling good.
When I stop writing, I notice it is rather hard to get going again. I wonder why. Am I unsure of how much stuckness there may be? (whether or not it is apparent from the outside) Am I apprehensive of all what will gush out? For all that is stalled inside us, must eventually move.  

I bring up writing only because I was thinking of this blog. I am sure there are a bunch of things that allow us to remain open, to remain awake, to be present, to come unstuck. A friend recently commented how playing soccer was so freeing for her. It was her ‘letting go’. Have to admit, those were not her exact words, but that was how I understood her words. 
Do we then need to figure out what can set us free? And then allow it to happen? To let it simply flow out? I imagine, a lot of good lies stuck inside - creativity, feelings, ingenuity, joy, things we never knew about ourselves…

For when we close up, I suppose it is for a reason. But no matter how good that reason, so much good gets closed up too…

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