Friday, October 10, 2014

Eat that, Occlusion!!

Because hospitals are so much fun. And because I landed in one yesterday (nothing serious - they just like me so much, they wanted to keep me here for a couple of days). And because there is so much to do when you're sitting by yourself in a hospital room, I thought I would write my blog.

Hopped up on enough pain meds and the like, I am quite sure the blog post would have been a very interesting one. But as I embarked on my entertaining post, my IV thing started beeping away.

"Beep beep" "beep beep" it quietly stated initially. I rang for the nurse. She came and reset it.
"Beep beep" it seemed way more assertive next time. The nurse came back and reset it.
"Beep beep" "beep beep" it screamed in my ears, "What the $!/@$#*€ are you doing?" I swear it sounded so angry and the green panel flashing 'occlusion' was flashing ever so fiercely and accusingly at me...
I called the nurse - again (you now know the favorite patient on the floor tonight, right?)

Not meant to be a vision test... but if you look closely, you can see "Occlusion" in the top right hand corner

I smiled at her and apologized sheepishly, "it doesn't want me to type". "You're trying to type?" (Tone translation - woman, are you crazy? Can't you just go to sleep like the rest of them?").

But instead of saying any of that, she smiled sweetly and said even more sweetly, "well, it's just going to keep beeping then. And the IV site could get occluded and we'll just have to find a new IV site on a different arm maybe..." Seriously, how could anyone sound so sweet and so sinister all at once? Touché, I thought. She sure knew how to get me to shut up.

I was visibly ashen I suppose. I'm here only for another night. I really don't want them digging through my veins to find another site. If only I could tell you how many eyes have looked disapprovingly at my small, uncooperative veins.

"You could type with your left hand," she continued with her sweetest smile. I just stared at her. I watched her leave. I looked at the IV thingie, I looked at the IV site, I looked at my half typed blog. It no longer made sense. I deleted the whole thing. All I could think of was the annoying occlusion and all the other annoying occlusions in my life that prevent me from doing everything I want to do.

And I started typing with my left hand. And no, I'm not the inspiring dancer who lost her leg and now dances - very beautifully - with one leg. I had tears in my eyes, the first time I saw her. No I don't have that kind of grit or grace or gumption. What I have are mostly glares and grumbles and grrrrrs...

But I continued typing with my left hand. (Have I mentioned how stubborn i can be? I's a terrible thing. And what's worse is that I'm a scowly kind of stubborn. Sigh...)

But I continued typing to get those grrrrs...moving. So they won't remain stuck inside me forever. For there will be times (and there are times) when there are no 'occlusions'. And in those times I want to be free of all the grrrrs and grumbles...

As for you, my friend, occlusion - Eat that! You can't tell me what to do after all!

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