Monday, November 11, 2013

Letting go… by letting it out

“The first step in letting go is letting it out,” wrote a cousin after reading a blog entry I had written. I paused for a moment and reread her message. Maybe that is exactly what I have been trying to do. And this uneasy, uncomfortable clean-up is one heck of a messy process.

My cousin was spot on. To let go of all that is unpleasant, inelegant and unsavory inside, we must first let it out. And to let it out, we need to face it. To look at it, to acknowledge it exists, and to accept it as a part of us. That is no easy task. Nor is it a pleasant one.

To come face to face with things about us that make us squirm, make us uncomfortable, sad or angry and question our self-worth is not easy.
Facing this unsavory takes pluck, courage and steadfastness. To accept that it is a part of us takes more pluck, more courage and more steadfastness.

Sometimes, I picture a lid on the top of my head. Pop! It opens. Whoosh! The gunk inside erupts and leaves my body. Straight out of me, and far far away from me. What a wonderful image. And so much easier than having it sitting around, staring me in the face.
I have no clue what else is out there – or rather in there and wants to come out. And though I’m scared to look, I’m willing to try... And if it does want to be looked at and let out, I am willing to try... And if I need to honor and respect that which lies stuck inside, I’m willing to try...

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