Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Aristotle to the rescue...

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts

                                                               ~ Aristotle
Exactly what I needed to be reminded of today. Agreed, this will probably be the most simplistic explanation of this synergistic phenomenon so eloquently and scientifically explained by several disciplines of study. But it may be really prove helpful when our human frailties seem to lend us groundless.

For no matter the frailty - lack of optimism or energy or health; diffidence or anger or sadness – these are only parts (and fleeting parts, in that). There is so much more to us that makes us whole and this whole is truly greater than the sum of its parts.
Especially when the parts are fickle and do no good. And yet they seem to pervade our senses and our being and seem like the whole.  For ultimately, these are only parts – small parts in that, and they can never make the whole.

Thank you Aristotle. And now I shall set off on a quest to find another philosopher who will explain how to remember and apply this to my day to day.

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