Thursday, May 8, 2014

Life is a stage after all…

A while back, I listened to a radio show and heard the interviewee share a beautiful thought. Unfortunately, details of the show and person escape me, but the thought came back to me today, and I wanted to write it down so I wouldn’t forget.

He was a successful Broadway composer and musician and spoke about fear and panic. He talked about dealing with panic attacks and teaching himself to do things despite the panic. And the empowerment in knowing that he was able to do the things he did, despite the panic.  
His solution was simple. He said that even if you hear your heart pounding and you feel terrified before going on stage, you do go on stage. For the show must go on. And life is no different. “I have a pounding heart, but I can go on stage despite that pounding heart. And knowing that I can go on stage despite the pounding heart is my strength” (totally paraphrased).  

Just the words I needed to hear. For the past couple of months, I have been dealing with health uncertainties and that has made my world somewhat gray and fearful.  That has made me withdrawn, subdued and rather ‘meh’ and ‘blah’ (always so eloquent, right?). And when you add anxiety and fear to a physically tired and weak body, the combination is never a good one. I have tried to shake off the fear, but it seems to have a tight grip.
I know it is not going to help for me to be scared. I know it is not going to help for me to be withdrawn. I know I am impatient and want to simply shake it off. I know I can’t do that either.

So that must mean that I need to go on stage with it. That I continue to live my life with it, despite it. And knowing that I can live my life with it and despite it shall give me strength. That shall be my courage. Or so I hope.

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