Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Letting go toolbox…

One of my (lofty??) goals is to live relatively clutter-free. Sigh… our home is anything but that. Unfinished projects lie around, half-read books sit around like half-eaten apples, bits of paper – some trash, some important wait patiently - to be filed away neatly or to be thrown away completely.
And then there’s some stuff… some stuff that has made its way mysteriously into our lives and which sits around for no apparent reason. A strange-looking jar that someone gave us, table cloths that will never show up on any table, decorative pieces that will never ever leave the closet, colorful plastic bits of who-knows-what that comes out of goody bags and return gifts…  Sigh...you get the picture...

Somebody once gave me this advice. Take a bag and walk around your house. Pick the stuff (it may be one thing or a whole bunch) that you can look at and say “this is not me any longer”. Things that simply sit around, but don’t really resonate with your life any longer.
So if you’re feeling brave, try following the advice I once received. Take a bag and walk around your house. Remove things (maybe one, maybe a ton) that no longer resonate with who you are. Does it feel liberating? You tell me.

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