Thursday, June 12, 2014

Being part of the energy… enjoying being part of the energy… and finally letting go of being part of the energy…

As a family, we enjoy music and as a family, we often grow to like each other’s music. Take for instance our little girl’s playlist when she was younger – an eclectic mix of Broadway musicals, Disney hits, Rock, Pop, classical scores, Italian opera singers to (ahem...) raunchy Bollywood numbers. She would simply choose from the music we listened to and ask for it to be put on her playlist (and she still does to some extent).

When she was about five, the two of us would sing and perform (ahem...) the Phantom of the Opera duet. I would play the phantom (of course), with a sweeping black shawl cloaked around my shoulders and she would be Christine. And we would sing and act away with huge drama and little talent – with sweeping gestures, shaky pitches and a few giggles thrown in… Just glad Andrew Lloyd Weber never saw us – for he would never compose again.
Then there was the time we took our six-year-old to the Broadway performance of Les Miserables. She knew all the songs and really wanted to go. Thankfully, the adult content went over her head and all was well till the next day at breakfast. Program guide in hand, she excitedly said, “Mom, did you know whore 1 (pronounced vahore) was in Sound of Music too? And what’s a whore (vahore) anyways?” My eyes were wide. I made NO attempt to correct any pronunciation, and with as much nonchalance that I could muster, simply said, “Oh, just one of those ladies in ‘lovely ladies’”. Please child, don’t share this information with kids at school…whew…

And I smile to think of her at the opera snoring gently and not-so-quietly to Mozart’s arias in Marriage of Figaro. I know, I know – the first and last time I tried to take her (and my husband) to the opera. Yes, we have sweet memories of her sharing our music.
But the music tables have now turned and we find ourselves humming to Everything is awesome and Happy and of course, all the songs from Frozen. Katy Perry and One Direction are now permanent family members and my playlist now has Lady Gaga and Katy Perry. Each time Call me maybe starts, I scramble to hit next – but fact remains that it is (on my daughter’s insistence) on my playlist. Sigh…

We lead connected lives and we take in each other’s energies as we go about our lives. Playful, energetic kids can make us feel young and lively; watching an old couple walk, holding hands allows us to enjoy togetherness and continuity; watching a baby giggle makes us smile.  
I imagine most people feed into the energy of others and we probably do so unconsciously. And I imagine that is what we do with our kids. Just as our daughter took in our energy in the form of music; we now take in her energy and music… but slowly we will let go of being part of each other’s energies. And I hope we can do so gracefully and seamlessly. Hopefully energies will cross over and connect from time to time and I hope we will take joy in that and simply let go of the rest…

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