Friday, June 6, 2014

Do you know your inner sounds?

At times, my writing scares me. For deep within the psyche (as I imagine with most of us) lay areas that we don’t know exist – that seem unfamiliar, uncharacteristic to who we imagine we are. Things/emotions that we brush off, that we tuck away, that we don’t quite know how to deal with. For they make us feel, they pinch, they tingle, they tickle, they leave us feeling vulnerable, exposed, astounded or even amused. And yet they exist. And sometimes, my writing dives deep into some of those pockets and brings things to the surface that I don’t quite know of, that I don’t quite know how to react to. These somethings gurgle to the surface and float there. And I gaze at them – in wonder, amazement, pride, amusement, indifference, disapproval…

Some I leave unfinished (for I don’t know what they are, I don’t want to get to know them better, I’m afraid to do so (?)), some I simply put away, some remain a sweet secret, some I feel I need to tackle… These floaties may never make it to the blog or a public domain – for I don’t always understand then and I rarely revisit them.

But is it right to put them all away – for they bubble to the surface for a reason. They have a voice – a whimper, a song, a deep hum, or an excited whisper… Do you know what your inner sounds are?

And while it may be clamorous to listen to them all… I suspect there are some little sounds that need some rescuing… Do you know those sounds?

(funny how I wrote this in just three minutes or so - after wrestling with and shelving another thought – uncomfortable, unfinished, to remain un-revisited, I’m sure)

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