Monday, June 2, 2014

The answers are all right there… how do we notice them and remain receptive to them?

It’s funny how our mind will just soak up scraps of information relevant to us at certain times. How the radio or television or a book or a passer-by will discuss the very thing going on in our mind. How our ears perk up to thoughts or ideas, how our eyes catch even fleeting things… things that were travelling in our own heads moments earlier.  Yes, it’s funny how that happens and how often that happens.  

We could argue that the thoughts or ideas were there all along and our mind chooses to notice them only at certain times – given our life situation.  
That may be the case, but isn’t that a reassuring thought? For it makes me want to believe that all the answers are all right there – in front of our eyes. Always. Our job then is to simply notice them and take them in. It makes me want to believe that the universe is constantly trying to help us, and to heal us by sending help if you will, in the form of information, ideas and people. It makes me want to believe that we humans are beautifully programmed for self-healing.

Is this some sort of silly, simplistic and optimistic rambling of a wishful heart? It probably is. It may also be part of of some greater symbiotic, synergistic force of cosmic connectivity. Who knows.  
Just for a moment, let’s go with the optimistic assumption. By that token, our lives should be a breeze, right? They would have to be – for all the answers are always there, and the universe is always helping us. So why then does it not always seem so? Do we go and make things harder for ourselves? Do we not know how to remain receptive and open? Do we close ourselves off to possibilities? Is it all right there and we just don’t know how to receive it?

I admit there is nothing scientific about this discussion. This is just a rambling thought, really. But I have sometimes wondered if I come in the way of my own healing and happiness. That I make things harder for myself. That the answers are all there, that the wisdom I need is right before me, within me even, that I’m surrounded by it. But do I know how to tap into it, how to receive it, how to notice it even.  
I digressed completely from what I set out to write… I had set off to share something I read recently. Perhaps I shall keep that for tomorrow. For I want to stop here – at this very thought. In the hope that that I will be able to let go enough – enough to always notice the answers that may be in front of me.

That I will be able to let go in the belief that everything is going to be fine and that all the answers that I need and all the wisdom that I need will be right there – within me, around me, surrounding me. And hopefully that may prompt me to remain open enough to receive it and simply let go of the rest…

1 comment:

  1. Ruta, in parenting I notice that solutions come to me when I let go of the idea "but this is the only way to do it, else it will lead to chaos" and not continue to hammer that particular perceived "solution" to fit my problem. And when, I simultaneously manage to avoid getting trapped in the "I just don't know what to do anymore" end of the spectrum. It's funny I wrote "when *I let* go". In practice, I don't know how to do that consciously. Else I'd bottle the formula and send it to you right away. :-)
