Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Who cares?

Who cares? Who cares? Who cares!!

There are things I really don’t care about – in the sense that I don’t perceive them important, worthy of my time or thought or energy. There are probably things I care about that nobody else in the world would ever care about (probably rightly so). Yes. Each of us cares about certain things and gives a hoot about other things. Other things that somebody else, somewhere else, really really cares about.
But our life is a web of connections. Connections that also connect cares. Slowly, we begin to care about things that we really don’t care about… We care about them because someone else in our life cares about them. We care about them because our not caring about them can make people we care about unhappy. Or perhaps, we care about them because we have been forced or conditioned to do so. Or perhaps we care about them because it is the right thing to do, or the correct social norm, or we don’t want to feel insecure by not caring about something – something that everybody seems to care about… whew… that list would be never-ending and exhausting.

Yes. I believe there are things we care about; and then there are things we make ourselves care about… and whew…that’s a lot of caring about.
If you’re not completely lost in my muddle of words by now, and still have some patience to continue with my muddled thought, let me tell you why I’m writing this. I do not have a lot of energy. And I seem to waste a lot of my energy caring about things I really don’t care about. And in doing so, I lose sight of the things I really care about…

What are the things you really care about? Are there things you really don’t care about – but make yourself care about?
Or perhaps you just don’t care about any of the above. If so, please go about your business (attending to things you truly care about) and don’t waste any more time and energy thinking this is something you need to care about, or make yourself care about it…

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