Thursday, August 15, 2013

Letting go of... holding it together

As long as I can remember, I have always been one to hold it together. Hardly any tantrums as a child, no turbulent teens to speak of, I was always the “good girl”. (This is of course till Snappy the Dragon Lady made her entry a few years ago. Remember Snappy?)

Yes, I’ve walked away from many a fight, politely exited an argument and have maintained my quiet when caustic comments came my way. I always imagined this was me taking the higher road. Perhaps it was.
But if so, why am I bitter about unkind words and actions that I quietly withstood. What would be the difference between them and I - was the ideal I maintained. Why then do I not feel any peace or pride when I look back at such instances?

And in difficult situations, I lifted my chin and held it together. There was no reason to make a big fuss about things. I could deal with it. I could deal with anything. In the course of my illness, countless people have told me that they never suspected that I was sick. Probably because I refused to allow myself to fall apart. For after all, that was what I had trained myself to do.

This post sounds bitter and maybe it is. But I do want to question our need to hold it together so much and if it is truly worth it. Is it truly a noble or brave act, if it causes pain on the inside, even when the shell outside remains shinny, chipper and cheerful?

I wonder if all this makes for some really bad advice. It probably does. So if in a difficult situation you are able to hold it together, please do so. I’m sure the world will be better for it.

But if holding it together is wearing you down, seems exhausting, and is not serving any purpose, then simply be yourself. For in my opinion, this whole business is quite overrated. I for one don’t want to do it anymore and the mere thought of not having to do so anymore is liberating.


  1. I don't think it's bitter at all Ruta. In fact, your advice to 'be yourself' when things are not working out makes perfect sense....I think this way at least we can be at peace with ourselves.

    Btw I just read all your other posts and loved them all! I can kind of relate to your posts especially the 'snappy dragon lady' thing. You are a beautiful writer indeed!

  2. A thought I have been trying to analyse for a while, especially when I pass down moral value lessons to my kids and they ask WHY? which makes me stop and think... WHY?...
    A book I read some time ago said " when one snaps back, it is the reptile brain that takes over (the survival instinct). When you hold it together apparently your logical brain and your emotional hemisphere are very well integrated (ideal situation). Sounded all good, but what about the anguish that you feel within when one is holding it all together but is really feeling like socking a person/situation ?? That's the time I follow my mother-in-laws advice. Go for a jog or a walk till I sweat out all the toxins.
    I read all your posts..Great job Ruta..keep writing.

  3. Yes - sometimes it is OK to let go of the responsibility of holding it together....and it can be exhausting... Kudos, for a beautifully written blogpost Ruta

  4. Beautiful writing Ruta :-) I've been wanting to read your posts but couldn't :-( I finally had the time to read all your blog posts. You are an amazing writer...and LOVE your honesty in each one of them. I've had a lot of people complaining about the small discomforts in their lives and how that makes them feel negative towards life .... but your composure and your strength has always amazed me and that has made me never to complain..even the smallest've taught me how to live happier in every moment....and I am so proud to be your friend...I hope some of your dignity has rubbed off on me too :-)

  5. beautifully written post! So genuine! I agree that holding it together is overrated and has side effects. imho it can hamper honest communication between people if everyone is trying to hold together..

  6. Thanks for all your comments, input and appreciation :)
