Monday, August 19, 2013

Letting go of… the peel of pressure around something good

Last night I felt a sudden knot in my stomach. What in the world had I signed myself up for here? A year-long blog! Was I simply crazy? Didn’t I used to have a blog that I hardly ever blogged into?

When asked if I was a writer, hadn’t I told people, “yes I’m a writer who hardly ever writes”? Wasn’t my life crazy and full already? With the possibility of an upcoming surgery, didn’t uncertainty loom everywhere?

Why then was I embarking on something new? On something quite unnecessary? On something that didn’t make complete sense -- even to me? On something that was heading wherever it was – without any particular sense of direction...
And then I stopped. I watched my thoughts spin and spiral till they quietly slowed down. And I let go of all pressure. I had started this blog simply because I wanted to.  Simply because it seemed like the right thing to do. Not because it was the right time for it. Or because I had some grand message to give to the world.  But simply because it seemed right and meaningful to me.

And then I let go of all pressure related to it and started breathing again. And the sweetness and freshness and freedom of the blog sprung up again.
Want to try and do the same today? Find something sweet and fresh in your life, and remove the peel of pressure around it and smell it, enjoy it, savor it – simply for what it is.


  1. Thanks Ruta, you describe the real 'doing' of the whole universe. We humans are a young species coming to this beautiful truth slowly.
