Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Letting go Toolbox

The letting go toolbox is an attempt to put together some stuff that can help the endeavor.

I have found this short technique effective and would find it more so if I remembered to do it more often. A friend who is a psychologist and runs parenting groups first introduced me to it. This is how it goes (in my clumsy paraphrased way)…
Start with something that is bothering you. It could be anything – physical pain, sadness, or the person next to you talking way too loudly.

Step one: Ask yourself if what is bothering you is true.
Step two: Ask yourself again if it is indeed a hundred percent true.

Step three: Notice how this makes you feel inside your body. Notice where you hold the feeling or emotion in your body.
Step four: Now imagine how it would feel to be free of this feeling – even for the briefest moment.

I confess I have not done this as often as I would like to. But the breath of fresh air it provides can be exhilarating. And each time, I have been surprised at how easy it can be. True the bothersome matter may return and with it the reaction to it. But respite from it for even the briefest moment is refreshing.

Note: The name of the book for this escapes my mind. Will put the source in soon.


  1. Hi Ruta,
    I believe this is from "Loving What is" by Bryon Katie.

  2. Thanks and it is! I happened to lay my hands on the book a week after posting this! Have been meaning to write a post correcting the four questions (which I paraphrased), giving right credit and writing a little about what they refer to as "The Work" some more. Thanks again
