Thursday, October 17, 2013

Letting go…of avoiding cleaning the fridge

I hate cleaning the fridge. Agreed it would be a rare person to admits a certain love for cleaning the refrigerator. For who in their right mind would want to venture into the throes of refrigerator-land and the mysteries that lay hidden in its shelves.

Much as I dislike cleaning the fridge, I dislike even more the thought of an unclean fridge. It just seems plain unhygienic. The thought of forgotten jars, sticky surfaces, crumbs and the possibility of mold… did I just say MOLD? Yeah, that thought right there can give me a sleepless night or two. So to get a good night’s sleep I have to ensure I have a clean fridge. Okay, a relatively clean fridge will do too.
So if I am going to do it anyways, why not correct my attitude about it? Why not just get on with the darn cleaning? Why waste the energy in humming and hawing and dreading the deed? It’s not like I ever found a dead mouse in the fridge. We did come close, in my opinion with a jar of “dog water” that almost made it in there for a certain eight-year-old’s “research” endeavors. But the idea with all its potential for research was shot down by a cruel mother.

So if I can’t be at ease till it’s cleaned, why not then just drop the sense of unease surrounding it. There is so much else that falls in the same category. And the amount of thought and energy I give to the matter tires me more than actually getting it done. Hmm… wonder if writing about it qualifies as further indulging my thoughts, or am I freeing myself from them? 
Well, I am done writing. A certain fridge beckons. And I’m on my way…

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