Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Letting go...of trying to be so right all the time

Oh the struggle to be right, to have the last word, to be proven correct...I see it all the time. In myself, my child, (remember I gave her the wrong genes?) in people around me. Being right is a wonderful feeling. It seems to validate our existence. It makes us feel better about ourselves and our judgment. It ascertains our worthiness.

So why be wrong? Why admit defeat? Why allow that chink in the armor? For admitting we’re wrong makes us feel small. I can remember all those times when I felt like I had shrunk -- disappeared completely into my shoes when pointed out I was wrong.
So does it make sense to battle on valiantly only to prove a point? We may feel a few inches taller, but has it helped our relationship? Has it put a warm glow in our hearts? Has it made us feel better? I don’t think it nurtures the soul and is just plain exhausting.
And while I raise this topic, I don't even consider myself the worst culprit. In my opinion, I am quick to apologize, quick to admit I am wrong even. So what is the point of these words?
Agreed I try to correct myself and not be rigid about being wrong. But I doubt I do it very graciously or even innocently. I may not actually say, "I told you so", but my body language and a quiet gloating speak differently. I suspect my spouse and child will concur more quickly than I would like. Of unspoken words that have been surrounded by an aura of self righteousness and a certain smugness.

So if I dislike it so much, why do I do it? Fact remains that I love to be right. What can I do? I just love it. But I also see clearly how getting hung up on it can hurt my happiness. And I don’t want it to.
It may be a victory, but a lonely one. And I would rather be wrong than rigid and alone. Agreed there may be the need to hold our ground in certain situations, and I hope I will find the strength and tenacity for those. But in most instances, it seems only a tussle. A tussle to boost the ego.  And perhaps it is time to let go of that.
That said, it's now time for you to go ahead and admit I'm right. And I hope you will do so quickly...for then I won't have to dole out any "I told you so" later.
Sigh… whoever said it was going to be easy?


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