Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Letting go… of images held in my head

I always wanted a daughter. A sweet girl who I could dress up in pretty clothes, do her hair and all the other girly stuff. Well I do have a sweet daughter. But none of the rest is true.

I have a bright spirited child, who bustles with energy. Unlike most eight-year old girls, my child shows no interest in dressing up. She will wear her t-shirts and shorts most places she goes – be it to the park or to a party. I often see other girls dolled up in pretty attire and accessories and then I see mine jumping about like a ruffian in her faded play clothes. It is a good day if her hair is combed and tied back.
Until recently, I used to try and fix this “problem”. Although it does not bother me as much, I still try and coax her into wearing “something nice” each time we’re at a social gathering.

She had a birthday recently. I got her a couple of dresses from Nordstrom. Soft and comfy – to please her, pretty enough – to please me. “I’m not wearing those for my party”, pat came her response. “I’m wearing shorts and a t-shirt”. I looked at her slightly appalled. “I am going to be swinging around on monkey bars, Mom. I really don’t want anything fancy.” I looked at her disappointed and proud all at once. Disappointed for the time and energy I had put into the shopping; proud that she knew what was important to her.
Why then was I trying to steer her away from that? Why does it matter if she wears the same clothes everywhere we go? She doesn’t want the fuss related to clothes. Why then should I complicate her life?

I choose to let go of this. I choose to let go of trying to portray my child in a certain way. To have her fit any image I may have in my head. If she so fiercely wants to be herself, why should I change that? And I hope I will remember this when we go beyond the topic of clothes into other realms where her choices may not fit an image held in my head.  Parenting is harder than they say, huh?
And hopefully, I will remember this next time we are at a party, when she will have turned out in all the splendor of her faded shorts and t-shirt, engaged of course, in some rowdy activity.

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