Thursday, September 12, 2013

The letting go toolbox

Letting go… into the earth

I went for a shiatsu massage last month. My head reeled, my heart raced, my mind has a zillion thoughts hurtling about. I was stressed, felt miserable and pressured all at once.
It was obvious that my mind was racing and would simply not calm down. So my shiatsu masseuse and friend told me to try something. She pressed my feet and asked me to imagine my breath going down from my head, through my body and into my feet. She then asked me to imagine roots growing out of my feet, grounding my entire being into the earth. Agreed, it does sounds quite new-agey. But I did as I was told and I think it calmed my nerves some.

To be grounded so firmly to the earth seemed wonderful. I felt supported and as if I could let go and rest. As I walked out to the car, I studied the pavement with new eyes. I felt more connected with the ground, with the world, as if I was part of something bigger.  
I thought of her advice today and tried it again. I imagined roots growing out of my feet, rooting and grounding me to the earth. With my breath, I allowed all that I didn’t want inside me to ripple away from my feet into the ground that could take it all and bury it deep. I sighed and felt better – even if it was for a moment, it felt good.

So if it doesn’t sound too weird or new-agey to you, give it a try. For the earth seems endless and our pains and problems running through it would be but miniscule.

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