Thursday, September 26, 2013

The letting go toolbox

In the book, "The Love Response," Dr. Eva Selhub introduces us to the “SHEILD” technique. Although I tend to find acronyms rather cheesy, this calming visualization may prove useful to cope with stressors in our life. What appealed to me most was the compassion with which the author suggested we treat our “fear response”. Here is a paraphrased version.   

S - Slow down and visualize a shield of loving, healing white light.

H - Honor your feelings, experiences, emotions, attitudes, and behaviors without judgment. Just observe as if you were a silent witness. Remember that they are pointing you to hidden wounds.

I - Inhale.

E - Exhale. This will deactivate the fear response and shift your physiology, so that you can become quiet enough to understand the root cause of your fear.

L - Listen to your thoughts, emotions, and sensations in your body as you ask the Big Four Questions:
>> Why am I reacting this way?
>> What wound from my past is this current situation reopening?
>> Why do I feel bad in this situation?
>> In what way is this situation reminding me that I am not enough or do not have enough? Listen to the answers and what your unconscious mind is trying to tell you.

D - Decide to heal yourself and change your physiology. Use positive verbal commands to override your negative beliefs.

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